Offertory collections decreased 7.3% due largely to several long time, very generous
parishioners moving from the parish in one year. The pandemic was not a factor as families
continued to donate at pledged levels. The online giving option increased the number of givers
by 36% helping to stabilize collections. The School income increase of 20% reflects the
inclusion of 2020 LOLLA virtual Fund a Need pf $53,445 (100% benefiting the school), $40,000
of funds from the CARES Act and the popularity of in-school learning among non-member
families. Two successful Lollapalooza events were held virtually in this one fiscal year, the
delayed April 2020 in July and the regularly scheduled in April 2021. Major Gifts declined due
to no building rentals.
Rebates from the One Faith campaign covered about 70% of the mortgage/Interest payments
and allowed us to pay off the building debt. School expenses increased to provide a safe
environment for students and faculty to meet CDC requirements and in Hot Lunch where paid
positions replaced volunteers. Programs and Ministries moved formation offerings to Zoom
meetings and Religious Education textbook purchases were delayed. Facilities continued cost-
savings measures re contracted services and utilities, etc. begun in the prior fiscal year due to
the pandemic, and only in the latter part of this year began to perform much needed,
postponed maintenance.
Thanks to surplus cash of $238,471 from operations and the forgiveness of our PPP loan,
$213,000 was set aside to pay off the St. James High School building loan assessment in the
coming fiscal year and to set aside $275,000 for future Buildings and Grounds improvement
School Income reflects anticipated tuition based on increased enrollment levels at budget time,
thanks to the extensive efforts and innovative curriculum of our school staff. Fundraising
revenues (Lolla specifically) will revert to one event in the current fiscal year rather than the
two held in 2020-2021. The building mortgage was paid in 2021. Increased Program &
Ministries costs anticipate the hiring of an additional part-time Religious Ed coordinator for
middle and high school program and a sound technician to handle all livestreaming venues. The
Facilities increase reflects anticipated higher utility bills and additional part-time custodial help.