Congratulations! You have a child to be baptized!
Follow these few steps to prepare for that special day:
The sacrament of baptism is available to families registered with our parish, and a Baptism Preparation Class is required of parents before celebrating baptism.
This class is facilitated by Good Shepherd families once a month on a Sunday afternoon at their home.
Please contact the Church Office for more information and to schedule a class.
Baptisms may be celebrated either during a Mass, before or after a Mass, or on Saturdays, but all scheduling must go through the office to confirm availability of a date and time.
FAQ: Do godparents need to be Catholic?
One must be Catholic and this one Catholic godparent needs to be practicing their faith, (if Married) married in the Catholic Church, confirmed themselves and over the age of 16. The second godparent does not have to be Catholic provided that they are not married to a Catholic outside of the church.
If choosing two Godparents for your child, one must be a Godfather and the other a Godmother.
After attending the class, please contact Susan Havranek, parish secretary, at:
913-631-7116/ to schedule a date for baptism.
En preparación para este día especial les pedimos que programen una entrevista en la oficina para conocerlos, llenar la papelería necesaria y apartar la fecha. Tendrán que atender una plática de preparación para el Bautismo, la cual se ofrece los 4tos jueves de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. en la salón de musica. Los bautizos se llevan a cabo los sabados a las 9:00 am
Llenar forma para bautizo:Forma para bautizar
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Llamar a la oficina par mas informacion
- Miguel Hernandez 913-563-5303.