If you used Interactive Missalettes during a celebration at Good Shepherd, we would love to hear your feedback about this system. Please, consider taking this brief survey.
Thank you for your time!
Interactive Missalettes is a very easy system to use. Simply follow the link above or scan the QR code with your phone or tablet, and Interactive Missalettes will provide a live aid on your device for the celebration.
Basic User Guide:
follow the link or scan the QR code and wait for the live content to pop up on your screen.
Advanced User Guide:
if you want to access previous slides, you can use the two arrows in the left/right sides of your screen, and navigate the slides backward and forward. However, you won't be able to go further than the current "live" slide.
when you autonomously navigate the content, your device won't receive live updates.
To reenable live updates use the double arrow in the bottom right corner of your screen
if you want to switch language, open the options (gear icon at the bottom left corner of your screen), and select the desired language. English and Spanish are currently available
Interactive Missalettes is a Progressive Web App that allows streaming any type of content simultaneously on all the devices that are connected to a specific link (or channel). In our case, all the devices will be connected to the Good Shepherd channel (specified above). Try it out at church or at home!
The main characteristics of this Web App are:
it does not require any downloading or signing up. Just connect to the link above
it is compatible with any device (computers, phones, tablets)
it is compatible with any browser (Safari, Chrome, IE, Opera)
it allows backward/forward navigation through the slides. However, it is not possible to navigate ahead of the slide currently "live"
it has a multilingual capability, to provide accurate translations to audiences/congregations
it can be used for live-streamed events. The remote users will have to set a delay, otherwise they will receive the slides too soon on their devices
it is minimally distracting: a black background on the screen minimizes the glow, and the user is not required to touch or swipe the device in order to access the content
Interactive Missalette is powered by Interactive Concert Programs (ICP), a software realized by Raffaele Cipriano. ICP follows the HTML Responsive Web Design paradigm and was initially conceived to be used in theaters and concert halls. For scientific information about ICP, please refer to Cipriano's doctoral thesis, or the proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media.