Through the communal celebration of Sacraments, we ritualize encounters with God in our lives. Sacraments are moments of joy and grace in our lives and for our families. At Good Shepherd we welcome you to prepare for and receive the Sacraments of our Catholic faith.
Those who approach our Faith Community seeking to celebrate its communal Sacraments (Baptism, First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, Confirmation and Matrimony), but who do not regularly worship or celebrate with the Faith Community may be asked to visit with the Pastor or the Pastoral Team before sacraments may be celebrated.
More information at the following links
Más información en los siguientes enlaces.
Becoming Catholic (RCIA)
Baptism | Bautismo
Eucharist, Reconciliation
Comunión, Reconciliación
Confirmation | Confirmación
Wedding | Boda
Holy Orders | Ordenes Sagradas
Anointing | Unción