Sunrise Servants is an ensemble that regularly plays at the 8:00 am Mass on Sundays. The group consists of an accompanist and a cantor with additional singers and a variety of instruments consisting of strings, brass and woodwinds. Rehearsal before each Mass is required.
The core of this ensemble has been playing together since 1990 with many additional vocalists and musicians sharing their time and talent over the years. Our name, “Sunrise Servants”, originated due to the fact that we played at the early Sunday morning Mass at 7:00 am and the “call” to serve our faith community with music. The earliest Sunday morning Mass is now 8:00 am where this group gathers to sing in praise and honor His name.
The members of this ensemble at this time are:
Mike Byrd (guitar, tenor)
Judy Flodin (keyboard)
Megan Hoelscher (trumpet, clarinet)
Kathy Johnston (guitar, alto, clarinet)
Chuck Lloyd (guitar)
Cori Meurer (cantor)
Diane Schell (piano, cantor)
Susannah Seipel (cantor, trumpet)
Lisa Wells (piano)
If you are interested in joining this ministry, please talk to one of us after the 8:00 am Mass.